
Bringing a new cat home is a memorable moment

1. Create a Safe Space
Designate a quiet room where your cat can decompress. Provide all the basics, such as food, water, and a litter box. This space acts as a safe haven, easing the overwhelming feelings that can accompany a new environment.

2. Go Slow with Introductions
Whether you have other pets or family members, take your time with introductions. Allow your cat to explore on their own terms, keeping interactions positive and gentle.

3. Monitor Eating and Litter Box Habits
It’s common for cats to be shy at first, affecting their appetite. Monitor their eating and litter box habits closely, as they can reveal any underlying health issues or stress.

4. Establish a Routine
Consistency is key to helping your cat adjust. Establish regular feeding times, and spend a few moments each day playing with or gently interacting with your cat.

5. Build Trust Gradually
Let your cat approach you at their own pace. Speak softly, use treats for positive reinforcement, and avoid forcing interaction. Over time, your cat will learn to trust you as their reliable caregiver.

These foundational steps will help your new cat feel at home, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of companionship and love.” Spend less. Smile more.
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